Yearly Archives


by Imran Shaikh

The Factory Design Pattern or Factory Method Design Pattern. It is one of the widely used and easy-to-understand Design patterns

by Imran Shaikh

Today let me talk about the Plain Old Java Switch Expression, but with a twist. This twist or update has been added to the …

by Imran Shaikh

On 22 March 2022, The JDK 18 or Java 18 is released to the public (from Oracle). Java 18 does have something very interesting

by Imran Shaikh

An interview cant be complete without this question. HashMap working contains most of the concept we used in our codes. It need hashcode and …

by Mahesh More

Time and Space Complexity of an Algorithm. We will see various ways we figure out the complexity, and how it is useful to determine …

by Mahesh More

Today we will take a look at the basic but tricky interview question, Call By Value & Call By Reference in Java. Both beginners …

by Imran Shaikh

The Most Popular Programming Languages for 2022. The list includes 8 and 3 Bonus popular programming languages for 2022. Let’s check them out.

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