Home Bytea C#, Java, Open AI on The Programming News Shorts, 20th Nov

C#, Java, Open AI on The Programming News Shorts, 20th Nov

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“Hello Devs”! Here are the top Programming news shorts for you.

☕️ JDK 22’s Top New Features
🔥 .NET ecosystem is on fire
🪟 Open AI’s Sam Altman Hired by [???]
And much more in today’s Programming News Shorts Stories.

Previous Stories:

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☁️ Cloud and You

🐘 Dynamic PostgreSQL, an Alternative to Serverless Databases

Timescale recently introduced Dynamic PostgreSQL, a new cloud-managed option to scale the database capacity within a predefined vCPU range. Promoted as “buy the base and rent the peak”, the new option scales the capacity according to the load, trying to address the unpredictability and variability of serverless options.

Dynamic PostgreSQL targets mainly deployments running on AWS

Source: Timescale Introduces Dynamic PostgreSQL, an Alternative to Serverless Databases

☕️ Java Shava 🕺

☕️ JDK 22: The new features in Java 22

Java Development Kit 22, set to arrive in March 2024 as the next version of Java Standard Edition, has five features planned so far, with statements before super(…) and string templates joining unnamed variables and patterns, a foreign function and memory API, and a seventh incubator of a vector API on the JDK 22 target list.

Early-access builds of JDK 22 are available at jdk.java.net for Linux, Windows, and Mac.

Source: JDK 22: The new features in Java 22

🧠 Kotlin Multiplatform Is Stable and Production-Ready

n a highly anticipated move, Kotlin Multiplatform, an open-source technology built by JetBrains that allows developers to share code across platforms while retaining the benefits of native programming, has become Stable and is now 100% ready for use in production.

Also, The new Kotlin Multiplatform Development Portal offers detailed documentation. See it in the source provided

Source: Kotlin Multiplatform Is Stable and Production-Ready

💁 On the other hand

🤯 Bye to AI at Open AI, and Say Hi to AI at Microsoft

After being ousted from Open AI, Sam Altman joined the Microsoft. But not alone. Greg Brockman will also be part of Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team.

FYI, Microsoft has around 49% stake in Open AI.

Source: Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

🔥 It is a release on releases for the .NET ecosystem 🔥

Microsft and the .Net Community is on Fire without a rest. There is so much to cover for the last two weeks’ updates.

.NET 8 getting launched, New Visual Studio updates, Nuget’s new version, and .NET MAUI have also been announced.

Also, for developers using Windows, Powershell 7.4 is also generally available.

Source: .Net 8, C#12,

I Just Came Across This 🤷‍♂️

🗞️ One Liner FYI ℹ️

🔁 Microsoft officially launches Loop, its Notion competitor

🦸 Stream API: The Hero Without a Cape

🚿 Streaming SQL in Data Mesh – A blog by Netflix

Before You Go…

See you in the Next Dev Summaries, But

If you want to contribute or want me to cover certain news, let me know via this Google Form

☕️ Java Shava 🕺“, The Dancing Stage for Java Developers.

“🤝 United by Programming” is all about programming language updates.

“💪 Work with Framework” is a bucket filled with frameworks we use.

“🛠️ You Tool” is a group for IDEs, editors, or any tools devs use.

“☁️ Cloud and You” will be all about cloud news such as from AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.

“😈 Server Maniac” wants to grab all the server content such as Kafka, Databases, Kubernetes, and more.

“💁‍♂️ On the other hand” will deal with content that doesn’t fit a particular genre.

I Just Came Across This 🤷‍♂️” is just random news I encountered.

See you in the next Post.


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