
Imran Shaikh

by Imran Shaikh

how to install the Apache Flink on the local Windows machine. There are 2 ways you can run a Flink Job on the cluster. …

by Imran Shaikh

we will have a look at how we can easily install the latest Java or JDK on the Ubuntu system. It will be a …

by Imran Shaikh

Select specific folder in Flink Batch Job. When given a root path you can decide which file or folder to read in Flink specific …

by Imran Shaikh

To use the partitioningBy Collector, you have to pass the Collectors.partitioningBy in the collect() method of Stream API.

by Imran Shaikh

This Multi-Database HikariCP pool code aims to reduce the boilerplate code to a bare minimum, giving you a small and readable code.

by Imran Shaikh

Prefer using plain JDBC for huge data migration. One record at a time is too slow, instead, use a batch system of JDBC and …

by Imran Shaikh

Stream API’s groupingBy is similar to GROUP BY of SQL since it groups and collects the objects based on given condition or value.

by Imran Shaikh

Difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java. Mostly the beginners face this question. Same name, different work.

by Imran Shaikh

Boost your productivity with these IntelliJ IDEA plugins. Every programmer should have these plugins.

by Imran Shaikh

How to add SSL in Java with the help of keytool. Create your own truststore in java with keytool.

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