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Python & Excel Together & Other Tech News Shorts

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“Hello Devs”! Here are the top tech news summaries for you on 24th August.

If you want to contribute or want me to cover certain news, let me know via this Google Form

🚀 To Meet Chandrayaan-3, You have to Go to the Moon 🌓

The proud moment for all the Indians 🇮🇳

The Indian Space Research Organisation or as we commonly know it ISRO, has made it to the moon’s south pole. With this, India became the first and only country to land on the Moon’s South Pole.

🏋️‍♂️ Work with Framework

🏆 Grail 6.0 Hit the Market

The Grails Foundation™ has announced the major release, Grail version 6.0 with significant updates under the hood. It now embraces Java 11, Spring 5.3.28, and Spring Boot 2.7.12.

The release note mentions that the decision to update to Java 11 in Grails 6 was driven by several factors, including Java 11’s LTS status, stability, and widespread adoption in the Java ecosystem.

Grails 6 incorporates the latest updates of Spring 5.3.28 and Spring Boot 2.7.12, bringing a wealth of new features and optimizations. These updates offer performance enhancements, Kotlin Coroutines support, WebSocket improvements, enhanced Actuator endpoints, Micrometer metrics enhancements, Jakarta Persistence integration, and additional configuration properties. By leveraging the power of the latest Spring versions, Grails 6 empowers developers with a cutting-edge development experience


🤝 United by Programming

☕️ Java 21 is Getting Closer to the Finish Line 🏁

Java 21 General Availability date is a little month from now, on 19th Sept to be precise. The changes are set in stoned and release candidates are heading out. As a Java developer, I am totally excited about the GA of JDK 21.

There are numerous changes and additions to Java 21, a few being moved to the next stages of preview or incubation. Virtual thread, in my opinion, would be the Top highlight of the features Java 21 is bringing. Record Pattern would be the game changer. And I have already talked about the Switch being on steroids in my previous post “Java Switch Statement is now more Powerful“. Now Pattern Matching with Switch would take it up one step further.

I will surely write more about them in brief and individually, so keep visiting CodersTea 💪

Source: Open JDK

☁️ Cloud and You

💾 Amazon RDS for MariaDB 10.11

Amazon RDS has announced support for MariaDB major version 10.11, which is the latest long-term supported major version from the MariaDB community.

Along with 40% higher transaction throughput, RDS for Maria DB 10.11 offers a variety of features. Including,  Lag free ALTER TABLE replication, New JSON functions,  SFORMAT function for arbitrary text formatting, Natural sort order, and many more.

Source: Introducing Amazon RDS for MariaDB 10.11 for up to 40% higher transaction throughpu

💁‍♂️ On the other Hand

🐍 Excel and Python are Becoming Best Friends 🤝

Microsoft has released a public preview for Excel with Python capabilities. This integration allows users to manipulate and analyze data in Excel using Python

And you don’t need any additional programs to run it. It will be executed in the Cloud and integrate the response in Excel. Excel users will be able to create formulas, pivot tables, and charts all based on Python data, with the ability to bring in charting libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualizations like heatmaps, violin plots, and swarm plots.

Source: Announcing Python in Excel: Combining the power of Python and the flexibility of Excel

😎 Get Confidence from Spotify?

Spotify is releasing a new commercial product for software development teams: a version of their own homegrown experimentation platform that they are calling Confidence.

This is an A/B testing-like platform for the software development team. This will allow you to quickly validate their ideas and optimize them for impact

Confidence is available now as a private beta only. Sign up for the waitlist 

Source: Coming Soon: Confidence — An Experimentation Platform from Spotify

Before you go…

Hear me out, Here is the Plan.

I tried to divide the summaries into their own buckets to have a better understanding of the topic at hand. I couldn’t add all of those to this post but surely will add them as we know about them.

“🤝 United by Programming” is all about programming language updates.

“🏋️‍♂️ Work with Framework” is a bucket filled with frameworks we use.

“🛠️ You Tool” is a group for IDEs, editors, or any tools devs use.

“☁️ Cloud and You” will be all about cloud news such as from AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.

“😈 Server Maniac” wants to grab all the server content such as Kafka, Kubernetes, and more.

“💁‍♂️ On the other hand” will deal with content that doesn’t fit a particular genre.

Some of the content may overlap with one another if I am trying to finish the deadline to complete the post. Do let me know in the comment if you see any such mistake and want to embarrass me.

See you in the next Post.


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